Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tired of homework, among other things...

So I finally got most of my on-line homework done. YAY! That makes me feel like I got something accomplished today. Well, I did.

We worked on the apt so much today. We got the carpets cleaned and I scrubbed my oven until it looked like a shiny new toy. It was nice. The lady at the leasing office told us that we had to clean the carpets or we'd get fined. I looked through the whole lease and it doesn't say that at all, so I wonder how many people get screwed by that. They've already screwed us enough already, I am not taking anymore of their crap. I'm tired of it, them and their evil schemes to make more money off all of us.

I'm thinking about quitting my job to watch my brothers kids. He is willing to pay me more than I make a month at my work. Wa-hoo. And I'll have the weekends off, if I so choose. yay. That would be an awesome change from the drudgery of life at Sam's. You know?

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